It's been a whole month in Ukraine!

Ephesians 3:14-21 has been a passage I’ve been mulling over lately. This prayer for spiritual strength Paul writes on, is exactly the prayer I’ve been praying since the beginning of my trip in January. It’s a prayer to know Christ better, to have strength to comprehend his love, and to be rooted and grounded in love. This past month I have definitely been pushed more and in different ways than I have been in any other country thus far. And though I get very little feedback I know that my personal spiritual life has definitely gotten stronger.
I am currently in Ukraine working with the Gainer’s, an American missionary family living in Kremenchuk (central ukraine). Jon and Jenny have 3 boys Alex (10) Jonah (9) and Isaac (8) and a daughter named Lauren (whose 14 months) and they moved to Ukraine 5 years ago to work with kontakt mission and plant a church. Little did they know though, that God was leading them to use their mother language as a way to build relationships, outreach, and eventually be apart of creating Compass (the church plant). Within their first year they had started an English club, which now has expanded to a Bible Study, English conversational group, and more.

(The boys Kelsey and me in Kremenchuk)

The first two and a half weeks Kelsey was still with me and we helped with a local churches kid’s camp, which was like a giant week long VBS that lasted from 9am- 3:30pm. The kid’s camp was a lot of fun and although we struggled with the language and not knowing exactly what was going on or what we were supposed to do, we made some really great connections with the workers at the camp and the kids.
(some of the awesome workers at the kids camp)

That same week Kelsey and I planned a Fourth of July Party for Compass (the church plant). We made a bunch of decorations which included fire crackers, bandana flowers, and big red white and blue pompoms, and made a photo booth with all the props. We had hamburgers, chips, and brownies (which Jenny made, shes a really great cook) and played a few games outside while the burgers cooked. We weren’t really for sure how many people would come to the event, we thought maybe 30 but wanted to be safe so we ended up making 46 hamburgers and in the end we had 44 people there! Everyone had so much fun, some people came in wearing red, white, and blue and they especially loved the photo booth. After the dinner and games Jon and Jenny lead us in worship and Jon gave a lesson on the freedom we have in Christ. At one point during the worship time I just looked around the room and watching these men and women (many of them not believers) singing out to God, and just being in awe and overwhelmed by how present and alive the Spirit was in that moment. It seemed as if all the space around us was just filled with God’s loving presence, it was beautiful.
(Lucia the director of the kids camp we helped with)

Sadly Kelsey left me that night. I cannot even begin to express how great it was to work with her and to be a part of a team. We never lived in one place longer than 10 days, but it was such a blessing to have that little bit of familiarity. I loved how we would spend the entire day together but yet still have plenty to talk about at night, and then have our little debriefing/ bible study time each night over a cup of sleepy time tea (you can be jealous... it was pretty awesome). I’ve said this before and with Kelsey it's no exception, when you go on a mission trip with people those people become family. I’m sad to lose her here in Ukraine, but I am very excited to see where God leads her this year and in the future!

This past week I went with the Gainer family the Azov Sea in East Ukraine for KontaktMission Ukraine Camp. This camp is a great way for the missionaries in Ukraine to gather together for encouragement, fellowship, and respite. Besides getting a crazy stomach thing which left me cooped up in my room for 2 and a half days unable to keep anything down, I had a great time getting to know some of the missionaries serving here in Ukraine and learning more about each of their ministries. I was even able to reconnect with a few families I met in Germany in March! KM camp ended Friday night but we are staying here till the 25th for the Family Camp the Gainer’s host for Compass and their local church.

(tea box that's supportive)

Please be praying
-For this upcoming camp- 80% of this family camp is non-Christian and that is definitely not the norm. Pray that even though the numbers aren’t in our favor, that God uses this camp to his glory and that people can see the love and future He has for them.
-Pray for our Health- this crazy stomach bug thing that I had has been going through the Gainer house hold since the night before leaving for camp, like its knocking us off one by one. This upcoming camp is very important (especially since they are running it) and they can’t really afford to take time off to be sick (especially since this is day number 5 for me and I’m still not 100%).
-Pray for safe travels for the campers that will arrive tomorrow morning and for all of us when we leave on the 25th. We are 6-8 hours away from Kremenchuk right now and Ukrainian roads can get a little (or a lot) crazy.
-Pray for Ukraine- This country has really been affected by the war, especially with their economy. Pray for peace for the conflict happening between them and Russia, Pray for the safety of those around the war and the soldiers fighting. Pray for the people that they put their hope and find their security in Christ.
- Pray for Ryan and Kelsey as they adjust to life back in America. They’ve both been back for a couple weeks now but I know from past experiences that after serving cross culturally you’re never really the same, and it can be hard going back to the life you had before. Be praying that they continue to pursue Jesus, that they hold on to the lessons and experiences they learned while overseas, and that they just love people like crazy always pointing that love upwards.
- Pray for the rest of my time in Ukraine- it’s been crazy thus far and it’s hard to believe it’s half over already! Pray for my emotional and physical strength- moving every week is kind of wearing, even though I might be in the same city (or camp ground) I haven’t stayed in the same room for more than 10 days. I’m not really sure if it’s just the whole trip kind of catching up to me or just because it’s the summer and our schedule here is so busy and makes for long days, but I’m tired- please be praying just for the strength to continue strong, this past week was supposed to be a little break during the days but being really sick isn’t very restful… after this camp I should be able to have a day off before preparing for the next camp.
                Thankyou for your continued support and prayers!
Ephesians 3:19- and to know the love of Christ surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with the fullness of God.

We can never understand how strong his love is for us…. But his love completely fills us! 


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